Tuesday 14 May 2013

Clothes in the Victorian Period

What made Victorian middle class women's clothes so uncomfortable? This is one of the questions students had to find out about. If you look at the following pictures you will soon understand: This is a corset: These are hoop petticoats:
Over the hoop, they would wear another petticoat, this time with embroided hems.

It had to be very difficult for these women to eat, sit or even breathe! It's not surprising to hear that they were usually unhealthy, and fainted easily. Can any of you imagine wearing such clothes everyday?
If you are interested in this topic, visit the following page: http://images.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://www.longago.com/TV141.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.longago.com/victorian2.html&h=308&w=321&sz=24&hl=es&start=14&um=1&tbnid=UrhMI2ECkDfurM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvictorian%2Bhoop%2Bpetticoat%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des


  1. In the Victorian Period the rich woman used hoop petticoat. However, nowadays we didn't use a petticoat.

  2. maria I. eta Cristina A.10 May 2010 at 09:48

    In the middle ages womans used uncomfortable corsets wheareas, nowadays we don't use it

  3. julen izeta and jon ander lezeta10 May 2010 at 09:48

    1)whereas in the V.P. they wore hoop petticoats, nowadays we don't.
    2)In the V.P. womens wore corsets. However, nowadays we don't

  4. Nowadays children wear tracsuit to play football. However, in the victorian period children didn't wear expecial clothes to play football.

  5. -In the Victorian Period, womens use very uncomfortable clothes, whereas, nowadays womens didn´t use them.
    -In the Victorian Period,people, used mediaval shoes called "poulaines", however, nowadays we didn`t use them.
    -In the Victorian Period, they used hats every days, although, nowadays we use them if we want.

  6. 1-In the Victorian Period, The shirts had detachables collars and cuffs. However, nowadays the shirts don´t have any detachables collas and cuffs.

    2-In the 1900s, the womans used uncomfortable petticoats and corsets. Whereas, nowadays the clothes are very comfortables and they don´t have petticoats.
