Sunday 25 April 2010

Food in the Middle Ages

If you want to know about food in the Middle Ages, we recommend visiting the following web pages:  


  1. 1)In the V.P. factory workers lived up to 20 peoples in a house. However, nowadays, welive a average of4-5 people.

    2)In the V.P., the food was cooked by fireplace.However,nowadays, we use electric cookers.

    3)In de V.P.the house was heated with a fireplace.However,nowadays we use central heating to heat the house.

    4)In the V.P. the toilet was autsize. However, Nowadays,we have the toilets inside the house.

    5)In the V.P. Factory workers didn't have any domestic appliances. However, nowadays, we have a lot.

    6)In the V.P. they didn't have any bathrooms. However,nowadays we have one ore two in each house

  2. In the middle ages the food was preserved salting, smoking, drying, pickling and in vinegar, Whereas, nowadays we left in the cooler or freezer.

  3. 1.In the middle ages, the peasants bread was made of rye and barley and rich people's bread was made of wheat flour, however, nowadays, the bread is made of flour, water and salt.
    2.In the middle ages, the food was cooked with:metal pots, metal and wooden spoons and spits, although, nowadays, the food is cooked with:bowls, pans, pots, spoons, knives, microwaves, ovens...

  4. -In the middle ages the peasant's bread was heavy, whereas now a days it isn´t.
