Monday 7 June 2010


Dear students from Batxilergoa 2. It's several days since the course finished oficially, and although we have seen many of you in the "review sessions", I suposse that others are working hard at home or the public library in order to do your best at the selectivity exam.
  • Remember that you can have easy access to all the selectivity exams, since 2006 , from this link (all subjects, not only English).
  • Remember too, that we give you a list of typical mistakes you  make when writing. Have a look at it and keep it in mind when you write.
  • Remember, that one of the most typical topics in the English exam is "education". Last year for example, both the june exam and the July exam dealt with the same topic.So it´s not a bad idea to mention here some of the typical misunderstandings we have with this topic. 
    • Education is organised in the following way.
      • nursery: haurtzaindegia.
      • primmary education (schools): Lehen hezkuntza 
      • secondary education (schools): bigarren hezkuntza
      • Higher levels / high school (American English): batxilergoa
      • Selectivity exam / A level exams (in British education): selektibitatea.
    • "Career" in English refers to a proffessional career, that is, the different jobs you have had along your life. So if you want to say "Quiero estudiar la carrera de medicina" you should say "I want to study medicine", not "I want to study the career of medicine".
    • "College" in English means "facultad (de universidad)", not "colegio".
We hope these little tips will help you. Good luck to everybody!

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