Tuesday, 26 February 2008

LOVE STORY by Nerea S. (DBH2)

The truth is never easy to tell,especially when it concerns matters of the heart.But I`ll tell you my story anyway.It all began when I was a kid,back at Primary school.I noticed her on the first day,and I guess she noticed me too.We where both seven-but she was the first girl I kissed.We used to play at her house,every weekend.I wasn`t interested in anybody,or anything else.She was my life.

And then,three months later,she said that her family was moving to Australia.I said'Oh that`s OK.I'll visit you',but she told me that it was thousands of miles away,and that she wouldn't be coming back.Then once she had really gone,I had to accept that I would never see her again.

11 years later I was a handsome boy of 18 . I was interested in girls, every day I had a new girl friend. I was going to the university. The university was full of beautiful and sexy girls but Mary was in my heart, the girl that went to Australia.

5 years later I had earned enough cash to go to Australia. As soon as I arrived at Winfield I took a taxy and I asked the driver to take me to my hotel. They gave me the key for the suite 23 but when I was going to open the door someone opened from the other side. She was Mary! But she wasn’t alone, another beautiful girl was with her. Then we spoke for 3 hours more or less and Mary told me that Rachel and her were enjoying their honeymoon. I gave my congratulations and after that I left the hotel.

I started working in Winfield and 2 months later I knew another girl.


  1. Hello, Nerea. I liked your story very much, specially because of the naturality with which you remind us that love is not a question of genre. Well done!

  2. Hello Nerea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You are very good writing storyes and this story was very good like my, so you write a comment in my story PLEAS!

    bye - bye

  3. hello nerea!!
    we're studients from DBH4!
    we also like you story, is a very beautiful love story!


